Shaping Palestine: The Palestinian Christians who made a difference

Qassam Muaddi West Bank 29 December, 2021 Analysis: Palestinian Christians have played a key role in Palestinian history, participating in shaping national identity and culture. While some...

Can Settler Colonialism Be Liberal and Apartheid Be Progressive?

By Ilan Pappe Can you imagine in the heyday of Apartheid in South Africa, a political movement or newspaper that would be regarded as liberal, and...

‘Previously Unknown Massacres’: Why Is Israel Allowed To Own Palestinian History?

By Ramzy Baroud Haaretz’s investigative report - ‘Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in '48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew’ - is a must-read. It should...

Resistance literature and ‘pedagogy of the oppressed’ in colonized Palestine

By Haider Eid This semester, I am teaching two novels and a few short stories written by brilliant, critical “Orientals,” and Africans following Edward Said’s...

Why Palestinian Voices Should Take Center Stage – OpEd

By Ramzy Baroud At a recent New York event, Ian Williams, president of the Foreign Press Association, told an approving audience that it is time...

Raids, Arrests And Death Threats: Israel’s Strategy Of Silencing Human Rights Defenders

By Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo On October 21, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced the issuance of a military order designating six prominent Palestinian...

Who will be Israel’s F W de Klerk?

By John Minto The death of former South African President F W de Klerk marks the passing of an era. De Klerk shared a Nobel...

How Edward Said Merged the ‘Political’ With the ‘Academic’

The Palestinian writer Edward Said wasn’t merely an intellectual who took brave political stands. Said’s whole approach to his work should be a model...

The Palestine question cannot be viewed through an old lens

Despite the fact that the Palestine question has waned in importance in the hotspot-ridden Middle East, it still manages to attract some attention. Not...

The unexceptional roots of Zionist fragility

BY OMAR ZAHZAH Zionist fragility is far from unique. It is the younger relative of every anti-oppressive reckoning forced upon the privileged members of supremacist projects...

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PU 632 – Massive Verweigerung der israelischen Armee … 10. März 23

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