Act in solidarity with Gaza, Stop Israel’s killer Elbit drones

Our thoughts are with people everywhere fighting the coronavirus. Israel’s apartheid regime has used the pandemic as a smokescreen to intensify its oppression of...

A huge and timely BDS victory’: Microsoft divests from Israeli tech firm AnyVision

Microsoft has announced that its divesting its shareholding in the Israeli facial recognition company AnyVision. The move follows an audit which was forced by...

Campaign Calls on UN to Release Names of Companies Involved in Settlement Activities

Al-Haq Human Rights organization launched an action alert urging the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Council and Member States to abide...

Airbnb Profiting From War Crimes, Israeli Settlements

Airbnb,, Expedia and TripAdvisor are "fuelling human rights violations against Palestinians" by continuing listings in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land, human rights...

Celebrities, activists call for Eurovision to be moved from Israel

"Eurovision may be light entertainment, but it is not exempt from human rights considerations," 50 British celebrities and creative figures said in an open...

Palestine Just Trade

Palestine Just Trade Inc. was established in 2018 to bring distinct, quality Palestinian products into Canada on the basis that all of its activities...

Global South speaks out on Gaza, calls for military embargo:

Building on from the Latin America Militarism conference, organizations from Latin America and Asia issued a joint statement condemning the attacks on Gaza in...

Global South statement on Gaza, call for military embargo

Building on from the Latin America Militarism conference, organizations from Latin America and Asia issued a joint statement condemning the attacks on Gaza in...

Love Bollywood, hate apartheid

Palestine Update 188 Action Alert Love Bollywood, hate apartheid! The Israeli government wants to use Bollywood stars to whitewash its oppression against Palestinians. Join us in urging them...

Palestinian Athletes say… Boycott Puma! No Fair Play on Stolen Palestinian Land

Palestine Update 184 Campaign Dear supporter, Palestinian athletes are posting #BoycottPuma photos. Join them! Pressure is mounting on Puma to end its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA)....

Latest article

PU 632 – Massive Verweigerung der israelischen Armee … 10. März 23

Eine Welle der massiven Dienstverweigerung der israelischen Armee könnte ein Moment der Umwandlung werden   Ziviler Widerstand gegen die Regierung hat das israelische Militär in eine...

PU 631 – Rassistisch und skrupellos

Rassistisch und skrupellos Kommentar In ‚New Arab‘ lesen wir, dass „kollektive Bestrafung für Palästinenser, auferlegt durch das medizinische ‚Erlaubnis-System‘ und zahlreiche andere Schleichwege nicht durch irgendeine...

PU 630 – Israel häuft einen Berg von Grausamkeiten auf die Palästinenser

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