HRW: Palestinians face discrimination even inside Israel

Israel discriminates against its own Palestinian citizens, sharply restricting their access to land for housing to accommodate natural population growth, Human Rights Watch (HRW)...

Palestine population grows nine-fold since Nakba

The Palestinian population have grown ninefold since Nakba, which refers to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by Zionist gangs from their...

Why should Palestinians talk to their oppressors

The root cause of Palestinian misery is the creation of the State of Israel, an original sin that saw most of the land’s native...

Palestine workers: Pawns or workers in Covid-19 battle (Video)

FELICE FRIEDSON: Palestinians entering Israel to find jobs is not new, but illegal workers have taken center stage as Israeli and Palestinian leaders exchange...

As Coronavirus Reaches Gaza, the Besieged Strip on High Alert (PHOTOS)

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza announced on Sunday the first two cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, in the...

Merging consulate with embassy “last nail in the coffin” of US role in peace

Secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee, Saeb Erekat, on Sunday said that merging the US consulate in Jerusalem with the...

Will UNESCO blend diplomacy with stubborn optimism for justice?

Apolo Magazine reports: "The withdrawal of the US from UNESCO in October can be seen as more of the same from a Trump administration that...


Omar Barghouti Dedicates His Gandhi Peace Award to Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike "I cannot talk about the latest phase of Israel’s repression against me,...

Expel and Exploit: A new B’Tselem report surveys the Israeli practice of taking over...

About two weeks ago, Israel’s Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs approved the Regulation Bill, which is meant to retroactively grant legitimacy to dispossessing Palestinians...

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