Ushering in Christmas 2016 – Call for hope and justice
Palestine Updates 5
Editorial Preface
Christmas celebrations in Palestine will naturally be boosted by the gift of a UN Security Council demanding as halt to settlements....
UN Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements
Palestine Updates 4
- US abstains in demanding Israel to halt settlements on Palestinian land -
Growing intolerance punctuates occupation
Palestine Update 3
Editorial preface
This issue of Palestine Update brings you news of growing intolerance from power centres in Israel against the Palestinian people. It...
Human rights violations mount and resistance grows
Palestine Updates 2
Editor’s preface
This is the first news version of Palestine Updates from Goa, India. India may seem a distance away from Palestine -...
Announcing the launch of PALESTINE UPDATES
Dear sisters and brothers,
Announcing the launch of PALESTINE UPDATES
This is a letter to announce the launch of PALESTINE UPDATES. The first of our newsletters...