Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC)

Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC) The goal of the BNC includes strengthening spreading the culture of boycott as a central form...

Arab Educational Institute

Working with youth, women and educators, the Arab Educational Institute-Open Windows is engaged in the field of community education to contribute to the general...

Alternative Tourism Group

The Alternative Tourism Group (ATG) is a Palestinian NGO specializing in tours and pilgrimages that include critical examinations of the history, culture, and politics...

Alternative Information Centre (AIC)

AIC is an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization. It is engaged in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis...

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition is a broad-based, non-partisan, democratic, and charitable organization of grassroots activists and students committed to comprehensive public...

Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP)

Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP) is committed to securing a just and viable future for Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. For...


BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is an independent, human rights non-profit organization committed to protect and promote the rights of Palestinian...

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Gaza City dedicated to protecting human rights, promoting the rule...

Al Haq – Defending Human Rights in Palestine since 1979

Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organization based in Ramallah, West Bank. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of...

A short and historically accurate introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict

The violence between Israelis and Palestinians is often falsely presented as a conflict between two equal sides with irreconcilable claims to one piece of...

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PU 632 – Massive Verweigerung der israelischen Armee … 10. März 23

Eine Welle der massiven Dienstverweigerung der israelischen Armee könnte ein Moment der Umwandlung werden   Ziviler Widerstand gegen die Regierung hat das israelische Militär in eine...

PU 631 – Rassistisch und skrupellos

Rassistisch und skrupellos Kommentar In ‚New Arab‘ lesen wir, dass „kollektive Bestrafung für Palästinenser, auferlegt durch das medizinische ‚Erlaubnis-System‘ und zahlreiche andere Schleichwege nicht durch irgendeine...

PU 630 – Israel häuft einen Berg von Grausamkeiten auf die Palästinenser

PU 630 – Israel häuft einen Berg von Grausamkeiten auf die Palästinenser Kommentar Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat stimmte am Montag einstimmig einer gewaschenen Stellungnahme zu, mit der er...