At this moment, activists around world are marching, protesting and showing incredible solidarity with the victims and survivors of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. But the genocide continues. There is a desperate need to think out of the box, to double and triple our efforts and focus concretely on some well -considered new initiatives. In this webinar, the MLN deliberates on possible additional means of pressuring Israel to stop its genocide, such as campaigns to dis-invite Israel from the Paris Olympics, confronting directly the Western media, and asking tough questions of Muslim states about their lack of reaction. MLN hopes to contribute to the overall effort to bring an end to this crime against humanity.


Hassanal: Okay, so we started recording, so, first and foremost I would like to welcome I would
like to welcome everyone to this special MLN Round Table discussion on the topic of essentially
Gaza and the question of what can we do more for Gaza. So, this is more of a roundtable
discussion compared to our usual webinars and as participants flow in of course we would like
everyone to have their opportunity to engage as well with members of MLN and also with each
other on the topic. So, I’ll just let few people come in but let’s have some ground rules on the
way that this conversation is going to go, while I would like to advocate for this open discussions
for everyone, there will be some degree of moderation for the sake of managing any potential
interruptions or things like disruptiveness. So I would like to encourage everyone to keep their
comments civil, so in this situation the chat feature itself is enabled but participants if you
would like to speak you will not be able to unmute yourself directly but if you would like to
speak please use the reaction bar to raise your hand and the moderator will be notified and on
the discussion of the moderator you’ll be allowed to to speak and share your thoughts and your
opinions as well and also once again please refrain from any unwarranted and disrupted
behaviors that would interfere and interrupt the meeting and with that in mind we hope that
this discussion will actually bring forth a fruitful engagement on the topic of what we can do for
Gaza and on to address the current situation that’s unfolding in Palestine and between Palestine
and Israel. So, with that in mind, I would like to pass the floor to Professor Pappe to lead and
moderate the discussion. Professor Pappe, the floor is yours thank you.
Prof. Pappe: Thank you very much Hassanal, thank you everyone for joining us and those of us
those of you who would watch it later after the recording would be available. The idea of this
webinar or this round table, as Hassanal said rightly this is not a webinar it’s a round table, was
to try and be more effective in our discussions about the meaning and and the orientation of
solidarity with the Palestinian people in general and the people in Gaza in particular. It is very
clear given the events of the last few days that there are aspects in the development in the
region and even Global developments that are beyond the reach of activists and nonetheless
would have an impact on the reality in Palestine, in general and in Gaza, in particular. So, with
these kinds of dramatic events such as the Iranian attack yesterday on Israel and the possible
Israeli reaction to it, are definitely factors that would eventually also impact the reality on the
ground, but as a kind of common citizens of the world, without the positions of influencing
policies directly, we will and we can, in an outfit such as the MLN, analyze these developments,
rather than influence them.

To Read more: Doing More for Gaza